Overcoming Challenge in the Transformative Process

I began my day with an oracle card reading.  Occasionally, I do what I call a general reading, a reading for guidance on no one certain thing.  When these three cards popped up this morning, I said to myself: ‘Wow, I have to share this with my tribe today!’

In short, this is what it said to me:  1-watch your self-talk-you can’t expect to re-pattern a belief if you are not changing your words and thoughts on the matter.  2-allow for the natural rhythm and process to unfold, don’t be so hasty for the change that you skip right to the end pretending that it never was the way it was–boy oh boy, you won’t like how it comes back around if you do!  3-celebrate your victories-the baby steps as well as the huge ah-ha’s, it is way to easy to get caught up in the change that we don’t acknowledge the strides that we have made.

Within each transformative process there is more than one belief system at play, more than one habit to change and more than just one stifled emotion to clear.

There are several challenges as you can see in the transformative process.  One that a great deal of my clients, including myself, can easily overlook is the self-talk.  So let us jump into the spread.

The Word Lord: communication, praise & dishonesty.

You believe every word you say.

True or not, what you say about yourself aloud and in your head you believe as truth and it gets entered into your sub-conscious as such.  This is one of the vital ingredients of what makes and breaks a belief and is key in the transformative process.

You can help yourself out here by being overly vigilant with your thoughts.  It may be an ideal time to begin a conversation with yourself about what you believed as the truth and what you are choosing to shift and accept as the truth.  Ask yourself: Do my words feed my old pattern or the change I am seeking?  Then, adjust accordingly.

Affirmations are wonderful for this.  Colette Baron-Reid suggests the add-on at the end of: “It is so-and it will be.” I love this.  I would add-visualizing it as if it is already and tap into the feeling of it already being achieved.  Emotion is key to manifesting and bringing about change.

Sisters of the Seasons: cycles of growth, natural law & Divine order.

Trying to gauge your progress in the transformative process can be as difficult as watching your hair grow.  If you are obsessing over it every day, you won’t notice the growth-you have attachment to it.  However, if you choose to grow your hair out and say snap a picture that day and then in two months you look back at that picture and you think-‘wow! my hair has really grown in the past two months!  It’s getting there! I am doing it!’

I know hair isn’t all that and bag of cherries for many people, but if you are totally changing styles, you know of the frustration that can accompany the growth-

It is a transformation, it is going to have its frustrating bits!

This card [and Colette] reminds us that “the nature of birth, growth, harvest, and decay cannot be altered”.  No matter which cycle you begin the transformative process, it continues to flow in this circle.  Consciousness and Perseverance will help overcome the frustrating bits.

The Sun Dancers: joyful activity, celebration of life, & abundance.

Anything you place your attention on will manifest an experience…Expect the best and praise it in advance. ~Colette Baron-Reid

This card is a reminder for us to acknowledge ourselves -the awareness of what we want to change, the courage, patience and perseverance of instigating change, the changes we instill along with the challenges we overcome to achieve our transformation.  Find something each and every day to be positive about and affirm it to yourself as if the next phase has already happened.  All of these steps deserve praise and celebration because you are worth celebrating!

Please leave a comment below.  I would like to know what you took from this and how you can implement the guidance. (I have never written out a reading before. Let me know if you you want more!)


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14 Responses

  1. Lore

    I’m going to take your invitation to heart and use this tomorrow morning in my Divine Dialogue Writing practice. Most evocative!

    Thanks for: “You can help yourself out here by being overly vigilant with your thoughts. It may be an ideal time to begin a conversation with yourself about what you believed as the truth and what you are choosing to shift and accept as the truth.
    (Will do!)
    Ask yourself: Do my words feed my old pattern or the change I am seeking? Then, adjust accordingly.”

    • Crystal Cockerham

      I am so happy you found this useful Lore! I hope your Divine Dialogue is fluid and forward moving.

  2. Debra Oakland

    Great words Chrystal, “You can help yourself out here by being overly vigilant with your thoughts.” So very true…some days it’s baby steps and some days we run full out. The power of pulling ourselves back into the moment is most important. In my book I talks about (NOW = our Naturally Occurring Wonder) and as we stay vigilant growth and transformation occurs.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you Debra! I love your (NOW = Naturally Occurring Wonder). I agree vigilance is important 🙂

  3. Tarah

    Thank you for sharing Crystal! “Anything you place your attention on will manifest an experience” This is all on my mind right now in a bigger way than ever before!!!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes, Tarah this is a biggie–especially when you are working with someone who is a marathon worrier–I say: When you are focusing on the worries, what you are doing is making it more possible for them to be.

  4. Lea Tran

    “Trying to gauge your progress in the transformative process can be as difficult as watching your hair grow.” Love this. You’re so right, Crystal. Transformation comes with frustration and all the cycles of nature. We have to be patient and have courage.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you Lea. During the frustrating bits, it is really nice to have someone-your practitioner, your trusted confidant mirror to you the strides you have made–it helps. Alot!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes, her cards are gorgeous! I also have her Wisdom of Avalon deck. When I do card readings, I read from multiple decks at once. 90% of the time I begin with Wisdom of Avalon. Messages of the Hidden Realm always comes into play though, o matter which deck I begin with. I find it very revealing representational of the sub-conscious.

  5. Suzie Cheel

    Love this, I start every day with a reading and then journal on the message and write a post. thanks for sharing xxoo

    • Crystal Cockerham

      You are welcome Suzie and thank you for commenting!