Words: Your Fire Power!

If words are fire then self talk is the flame eternal.

Will you use ‘fire’ to transform you and propel you to new heights?


Will you allow it to burn out of control and destroy your hopes and desires for change?

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love bon fires!  During the summer when I am at our place up north, I love just staring at it and then staring at the beautiful night sky without the pollution of city lights.  I couldn’t tell you how many times I have fallen asleep mesmerized as the flames dance, change colors, flare up, burn down, the smoke changing as it mingles with the air becoming less and less visible as the night deepens.

Fire is amazing.  Its captivating power can both destroy and transform just as our words do!  This is why it is imperative to be mindful of your self-talk, the words that no one else hears you say to yourself, especially the words not spoken aloud.

Self talk, like an unmanned fire, burns out of control and destroys whatever is in its' path, which makes it the most dangerous when we are seeking change for ourself. Click To Tweet

“Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.” ~Aeschylus

These words spoken by Aeschylus are very true, and they also hold true that words are medicine for what ails you, and the fuel to take you where you want to go! Click To Tweet

I have, on several occasions when trying to change a mindset, been known to override that self talk and here is how I do it:  When I catch that self talk going off in my head, I consciously over-ride it by shutting it down.  I shut it down by first, telling it it is wrong and secondly, by declaring to myself, and it, what it is I am moving towards.

For example, It is a pattern for me when I am stressed or procrastinating to eat, especially junk food.  This is not a very healthy habit for me, and one that I am working on diligently.  (I have already recognized this as a pattern by using a powerful tool I call, a Stop, Drop Everything Journal, I introduced this in a previous blog, FREE TO BE YOU.)

Literally, I find myself in the kitchen looking for a snack.  This is something I very much would like to correct so, when I find myself in the kitchen-thank goodness I am home alone most of the time this is taking place, I say to myself aloud: “Crystal, you are NOT hungry, you DON’T need to eat junk right now, stop distracting yourself!” I then do a breath or two to re-center myself and consciously check -in: have I eaten today? If not, then I eat for real-not junk and get back to work.  If I have, then I get something to drink and tell myself: “You can do this, stop putting it off and walking away.”

In this way, I use my words as a controlled, targeted flame to fuel the transformation of stress eating into a healthier habit for me.  And, you can do this too.  Consciously manifest your new reality by feeding a positive eternal flame, your active, mindfully chosen self-talk that will propel you towards the change you seek.

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.  Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” ~J. K. Rowling


How will you wield your fire power to move forward in your transformative process?


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18 Responses

  1. Andrea

    Excellent post and a favorite topic. When I wrote The Inner Critic Advantage, I spent a LOT of time thinking about self-talk, where it lives and what it does.

    And I love that you closed with the magical Ms. Rowling. Her success is always and inspriation.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      I am so glad you liked it! Fire was with me when I wrote it. I think Self-talk, like habit, can be your best friend &/or your worst enemy.

  2. Barb Parcells

    As soon as I catch myself using negative self-talk, I quickly replace it with a positive affirmation like: “I love and approve of myself, ” or, “I am safe.” Great post!

  3. Debra Oakland

    Self-talk is a good thing. I talk to my inner self like I would to a loved one and enjoy the conversation. I am firm when any negativity comes up. Keeping only healthy items in the house is a ‘big’ plus. Anything you eat then, is a win win!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      I love that you have those friendly conversations with yourself. (It is a win if you only have healthy items–but I have 3 other people who shop too…)

  4. Krystal

    Hi Crystal! I love this post. Words are powerful tools. Whether said aloud or quietly to ourselves, they impact our existence in a tremendous way.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      They sure do! Thank you for commenting Krystal!

  5. Kris

    Great post! words are so powerful! We need to be mindful of our thoughts, using the power of words for good!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you Kris! Yes, and to become aware that those thoughts creep up and we can choose to change them 🙂

  6. Lore Raymond

    Appreciating the perspectives on the power of words…WORDS MATTER and I know you agree, Crystal.
    Connected with, “Words are medicine for what ails you, and the fuel to take you where you want to go!”
    Your quote?

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you for commenting Lore! Yes, “Words are medicine for what ails you, and the fuel to take you where you want to go!” is my quote. Thanks for asking!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      I am happy you found what you were looking for Cecelia!