Battling the “Not-Good-Enough” Virus

Battling the “Not-Good-Enough” Virus

  By Energy Healer & Angel Enthusiast, Kris Groth

Do you have dreams that haven’t come to fruition yet?  What is blocking you from receiving all that you desire in life?

This winter I got pneumonia, and I never get sick. I was out of work for 3 weeks, and during that time started to really take a closer look at my life. What did I really want? And what was getting in my way? It was no surprise to realize that it wasn’t the outside factors, circumstances or people that get in my way, but it was ME!

I needed to dig a little deeper to figure out why I was sabotaging myself, and blocking my own dreams. What I discovered as I looked at all the decisions I have made, whether it be for business, personal, relationships, health, etc., was an incicious thread woven through all of them…the unconscious belief that I wasn’t good enough. 

  • I wasn’t good enough to be successful
  • I wasn’t worthy of being loved
  • I didn’t deserve to receive abundance or love
  • I didn’t love myself enough to be a priority in my own life

In my mind I know it isn’t true, that I am good enough, but somewhere deep inside me there is always doubt. This is the part of me that procrastinates, or changes my mind, limiting myself without even trying. It holds me back from taking a chance and tries to keep me safe and comfortable. There is fear of judgement and failure that also play a part. Put them all together, and it effectively keeps me from what I really want, and what I am meant to do and be.

Has the “not-good-enough virus” infected you as well? I have noticed in my client sessions, that this is a common issue with others as well. Maybe it is part of our human condition, something that we must overcome to reach our true potential. Or maybe it is something that happens to us sensitive souls, who take each comment and criticism as a personal hit, and unconsciously store it away as proof of our unworthiness.

How does one address this when it is so well hidden, yet seems to run the show? By digging in deep to uncover the old outdated beliefs, stories and wounds that have been fueling it. It takes time and attention.

For my healing, I started with affirmations about my self-worth, journaling, and listening to guided meditations to change the beliefs.

I also learned to pay attention to when that old story comes up again, and to consciously make the choice to do it differently. Choosing to believe in myself. Choosing to listen to my heart and soul, and not the fear and doubt.

It all comes down to self-love. Loving myself enough to take the time for self-care and reflection. Believing I am worthy of being happy and having my dreams come true. Being able to love myself unconditionally, regardless of what others think. Accepting all parts of myself, even the parts that I don’t necessarily like, and being able to love them. And truly believing that no matter what happens, whether I succeed or not, that I am still worthy, lovable and good enough. That bears repeating…

I am worthy. I am lovable. I am good enough.

Try repeating those sentences ten times each, until you can feel the truth within you. These are great affirmation to add to your daily practice. As you say them, try to take them in and feel them. It seems simple, but it is a powerful exercise when done consistently.

Using the wisdom from my own experiences and from working with clients, I have put together a FREE 5-Day Experience, Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support. The journey starts Feb. 17, 2020. Click this link for more information.

Remember you are worthy, lovable and good enough!

Blessings and light,

Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, angel enthusiast, bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion, and co-author of four other bestselling books. Kris and her angels have been working together for many years to help people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, mind, heart and soul. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, online courses, and powerful guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls. Learn more at

Join Kris for a powerful FREE 5-Day Experience…Enhancing Self-Love with Angelic Support. Begins Feb. 17, 2020, sign up today to reserve your spot in this FREE online experience!

Dearest Reader,
Feminine Wisdom Keepers is a FREE, Private Group on Facebook it is an amazing place loaded with incredible women we would love for you to join us!
Being or Becoming a Feminine Wisdom Keeper is to embrace your divine connection, nurture your inner goddess & live from your feminine wisdom.  So whether you already consider yourself to be a feminine wisdom keeper or aspire to become one, I invite you to join the sacred conversations here and together, nurture & grow this beautiful community.
Crystal Cockerham


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