Constant Communication

Did you know, that even without saying a word, you are in constant communication with your environment and those whom you share it with?

Communication, Crystal Cockerham, Energy Alchemist, WisdomAwakens It is true, we communicate constantly.  We are in constant communication with ourselves, our environment and others.  I am not talking about through technology, I am talking about our energy which is made up of our thoughts, words, body language, feelings, behavior, etc.,

Today, I invite you to think about communication in three ways:  communication from you to others, communication from others to you, including your environment and most importantly, communication with yourself.

Everything is energy and we are energetic beings.  We are constantly feeling and reading the energy of our environment.   This energy, coupled with being in tune with our intuition makes us aware when something is ‘off’.  To be an effective communicator, it is important that you are consciously aware of when the energy of communication is ‘off’,  and you ‘listen’ to it.

Here are just a few tips to help you maintain a clear ‘channel’ of communication within & without so no matter what your message is that you are communicating, it is also part of the energetic conversation:

~ Be honest and up front with yourself.  For example: You wake up with a cold and have an important presentation/meeting at work.  This doesn’t mean it is what you are, or who you are.  It simply means that part of you isn’t feeling well.  Look yourself in the mirror and say “I am really not feeling well today AND I am going to have a great day.”  Visualize yourself nailing that presentation or having a successful meeting.  This will help you to communicate, in all forms and all ways the subject matter of your presentation or navigate the meeting to your advantage.  In other words, you allow for others to see YOU not the cold.

Trust yourself.  If you trust your own decisions and feel secure in them it will show without you having to voice it.  If people you are interacting with sense (and trust me, they do.) your confidence in yourself, your decisions and skills, what you are communicating will be received clearly and the action you are seeking as a result is far more likely to happen. One of previous blogs, Tug of War, is all about knowing what it feels like to follow your intuition when you are feeling indecisive.

Make sure your thoughts, feelings and actions are aligned with each other.  If you are presenting in front of a group, how you feel about the subject matter shows.  Sometimes this can be a very good thing and others, not so much.  The tone of your voice, the speed of your speech, nervous tells-such as-umm, adjusting your clothes, tapping your pen, rocking back and forth on your heels are all means of communicating your energy.  So if you aren’t in agreement with what you are presenting, your audience will feel it.  If you are distracted by something else that is going on -whether it is at work, home or internally, your presentation won’t be received by your audience the way you wish it to be.

(You can visit my previous blog, Defragmenting your Processor, Your Brain!, for some simple breathing, clearing and visualizing tips to keep you from being distracted.)

Communication is a 2-way street.  We put energy out & we take energy in.

I am sure you have found yourself questioning whether or not to believe or even trust someone, especially if you have only just met them.  More times than not it is because what they are speaking communicatively doesn’t match or isn’t in alignment with what they really think or feel, the energetic conversation.  Our intuition kicks in and nudges us, that something is ‘off’.

We all have our ‘off’ days. Tuning into and trusting our intuition is the most vital form of communication we as humans have. Click To Tweet Being tuned in can make a difference for yourself and others you communicate with.  If something is ‘off’, a simple compliment may just make all the difference in the world to the other person, or asking them for clarity and explaining that you don’t think you are receiving their message the way they intend you to.  And, sometimes, it can keep you safe!  If your intuition kicks in and is nudging to get the heck away from this person, politely excuse yourself or find a way to attract someone else’s attention and get away from this person.

Allowing yourself time throughout the day to have a few short, dedicated moments to yourself will ensure that you have a clear channel within to help you communicate your aligned message and also to know when the energy you are receiving is also in alignment with you or is ‘off’.

Do you have a clear channel for your inner communication?  When has this clear inner communication served you?

If you struggle with accessing a clear channel within and maintaining it, it is time to Awaken Your Divine Wisdom by scheduling a free Discovery Session with me.  I love helping women tap into their intuition and awakening their Divine Wisdom!


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7 Responses

  1. Beverley Golden

    My sense is that there is a lot of noise in the outside world and at times, that muddies our ability to tune it out and tune in to ourselves. So often we are communicating to ourself and may not even be aware of the message we are sending.

    Personally, I love being in nature and always feel I am in some deep conversation with the natural world, even though it communicates in a much quieter more intuitive way than we humans do. Thanks for sharing this lovely post, Crystal.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you for taking the time to reply Beverley. I am glad you liked it. I love that you are able to spend time in nature and feel such a deep connection to it. Nature certainly helps calm our energies. And, you are so right about the extra noise that keeps us from hearing ourself.–stay tuned to next week’s article on that…chatter!

  2. Tarah

    Such a great perspective and yet totally true. Loved this! Thank you Crystal!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      You are welcome Tara and thank you for commenting!

  3. Heather

    I’ve always felt communication is so important. It’s something to take note of seriously. To be in loving communication is how we were all meant to be. You have some wonderful tips.