The Light Of Love

Original Poem By Marie R. Martin

Extended by Marie R. Martin and Crystal Cockerham


The wind sung in high,

And the wind sung in low,

To tell of a golden knight,

Who did live long ago.

Many wealthy lands did this fair-haired man own,

But in his wealth he was alone.

Claiming he could never be caught,

It was many a maiden for him who sought.

But love crept upon this fair-haired knight,

For a dark-haired maiden, he fell without even a fight.

The story continued with the wind’s rage.

Teasing the lady to tears,

And making the knight feel real fears.

A part in their story came,

Where her life’s energy did drain.

As she passed into oblivion,

And lay at death’s door,

She called to her golden knight,

And he did kneel upon the floor.

Tears came to his eyes,

When he looked down at his lady wife,

Few breaths where left to her in this life.

Her every word was faint,

Mere more than a whisper,

As she lay upon her bed,

To her love, she then said.

“Feast your eyes on yonder’s way.

That ’tis for you where I will wait,

At the sun’s and the moon’s rising gate.

Remember what we were,

Remember how we loved,

Remember not the sorrow,

But the joy we will find above.”

Whispering now was the wind,

As if it were to cry.

Next it told of how he, was to die.

From a horse,

He tumbled on to the ground,

As he looked up,

She smiled down.

Their fingers were the first to touch,

Then their lips meet for a kiss.

In ten years,

It was the first time,

That this fair-haired man,

Felt innocent bliss.

The wind did add one last thing,

“First in the heavens was her the night,

Followed by her love with his light.

Last, came their children,

Many a star that could be marveled at by a fair.”

Next when you look to the night above,

The evidence mirrored within you,

Love form source gifter of the all,

For you are made anew.

For you to unlock, nurture, experience,

To give it and receive it.

Belief and Love of Self for Self is there

You were born the perfect fit.

Faith is the journey, Love is the reward.


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