Glitch: Cut Through the Chatter

How can you cut through the chatter, and have a clear connection without any glitches?

In my previous post, Constant Communication, I wrote about how we are always in constant communication with ourselves, others and our environment.  I also mentioned that everything is energy and we are energetic beings.  We are constantly feeling and reading the energy of our environment.  What I didn’t go into is how our environment and the items we choose to use that create extra static and chatter which causes us to glitch.  Yes, I am talking about technology.

Why is this so important?  Because it interferes with the most important form of communication we have, the communication with ourselves and our inner wisdom, a.k.a. our intuition.

All living things; humans, animals, trees, plants, etc., have an energy system comprised of an energy field that surrounds them and energy centers, commonly referred to as chakras that feed life energy into our physical body.  So having a clear energy field is important to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  The energy field, shaped like an egg for humans, is like our own motion detector.  It allows us to sense, know when someone or something is in our personal space, and helps us to read the energy of our environment.  We all innately do this.

For example, take yourself to a family holiday dinner such as Thanksgiving.  You walk into the house, and auntie, along with other family members present greet you with a smile and a hug accompanied with the usual walk in the door banter.  If this were a television show, you would think all is well.  Yet you feel and know something is off,  commonly explained as- you can cut through the air with a knife.  Later, it comes out that your aunt and uncle or your aunts had gotten in a heated argument not long before you walked in the door.

You, upon arriving had energetically read the room.

Our energy systems, like our heart, never ceases in its activity.  When you are in a crowd of people for say, a concert you aren’t just being stimulated by the sound of the artist on stage, but your energy field is heightened before the music even begins as it is co-mingling with so many other energy fields condensed within a space.  Once the music begins to play you then have vibration and frequency of the music coming at you which then acts as a force and scatters energy fields even more.

I am not saying it is horrible to go to concerts.  I personally love going to concerts.  It is pretty standard to have a lengthy walk in and out of a concert venue.  If you park on natural turf it is a really good idea to hang out outside your car and let some of the traffic clear before driving off as this will help bring your energy back in and calm it at least some.  What I am saying is that concerts are a great example of how our energy field can get cluttered up with chatter and cause us to glitch.

What other ways/scenarios in our daily lives can create this clutter of chatter and cause glitches with our inner communication?

Technology is a HUGE one.  Without asking or knowing, the first time a client gets on the table for an energy detox or any type of energy work, I can tell if they spend a lot of time in front of the computer.  Even more so now a days with all the cellular signals and wifi.  This alone is enough to clunk up our energy fields with static and white noise ‘chatter’.  If you work in an office where there is an open space or cubicles with many people and their computers then this is amplified again.

I am sure if you are one of these people you hit certain points of the day where focus is just not there, you get short-fused and/or overcome with fatigue.  Energy drinks aren’t going to cut it.  They will merely interfere in another way and make you crash even harder.  Clearing the chatter by getting up and taking yourself for a 5-10 minute walk, preferably outside or to a main communal space in the building where there may be trees, plants and/or a fountain will help you tremendously.  Also be sure you are well hydrated and you have eaten healthy protein and veggies.  Breathe.  You can always return to your breath, even if you have to take yourself to the restroom to do so.  Smoky Quartz is a wonderful crystal to have near by to help support you when you are in these environments.  They come in all shapes and sizes including pocket size.  Just remember to occassionaly leave them outside or in the window to clear and reset themselves.  Under the full moon is best.

Technology & other people’s energy fields are the top two environmental disruptors to your energy field.  Your energy field will become distorted and glitch such as the picture to the right.  The photo on the top left is the ideal free-flow of your energy system without any chatter.   When you glitch, it interferes with the most important communication we all have at our disposal, intuition.

If you don’t have a clear signal to your intuition, then your communication in every way is going to be unclear; unclear with yourself-self talk, working through a project in your mind, etc., as well as with what you are trying to communicate to others as well as what they try to communicate to you.

For a list of my Top 10 Tips for a Quick Energy Reset visit my contributing author page on


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14 Responses

  1. Debra Oakland

    Cutting through the ‘noise’ in our world is a challenge in itself. Not only do we become bombarded with technology and environmental disruptors, and as you mention, it wreaks havoc with our energy – which is everything. Excellent article Crystal!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      It is a challenge especially when society keeps coming up with more ways to connect. I just try to create awareness! Thank you Debra.

  2. leila

    Clearing the chatter by getting up and taking yourself for a 5-10 minute walk, preferably outside or to a main communal space in the building where there may be trees, plants and/or a fountain will help you tremendously. Also be sure you are well hydrated and you have eaten healthy protein and veggies. Breathe.
    I love this. Thanks for sharing.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      You are welcome Leila. One of the perks to working from home is I can get up and move around more even if it is 5-10 minute spurts throughout the day. It makes a huge difference!

  3. Barb Parcells

    I refer to my intuition as my “inner ding” and am always on the lookout for whatever message it is sending me. The more I cut back on technology, the louder it gets! Great post!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you Barb! I love that you refer to it as your ‘inner ding’ 🙂

  4. Peggy

    For me I quiet the chatter with my morning yoga practice. By definition in yoga sutra 1.2, “yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind stuff.”

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yoga is so restorative and so much more than physical movement! I need to return to a consistent Yoga practice FOR SURE!

  5. Jill Celeste

    I agree – I think being around computers, Wi-Fi, etc. drains my energy. I take naps every day, and I believe it restores me so much. I will check out the Smoky Quartz too. Thank you for your wisdom!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      You are welcome Jill. Being that everything you do is either in front of the computer or on your phone, small spurts of walking will help too!

  6. Meghan Humliw

    Thanks for your practical tips. I am an introvert and have learned to listen to myself and my needs. And, I love technology. Many introverts do, I imagine. However, I no longer spend 40 hours a week in front of a computer. As I have listened to myself, I changed the style of my work, focused more on creativity, lessened my commute time, and found myself becoming far more expansive and relational in contrast to the person I had been. Definitely better energy. Yes, I am still an introvert but far less defensive and far more peaceful. Little changes lead to bigger changes.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes they do! You are perfect example of how our environment directly affects our energy and our outlook! Thank you for sharing Meghan!

  7. Kelley Grimes

    I really appreciate the wisdom of the need for an energy detox. I have been cultivating practices to release energy that does not support me and have been hiking, walking my labyrinth daily, meditating, and using sage spray to release all that does not support me. I am grateful for your insights and ideas!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Thank you Kelley! I absolutely LOVE that you have your own labyrinth, they are so amazing!