Do You Work From Your Head or Your Heart?

Do You Work From Your Head or Your Heart?

By Abundant Entrepreneur Guide, Genevieve Kohn

For Some of Us, Only One Really Works, And It May Not Be the One You Think

I was just in a wonderful conversation with my friend Linda Joy yesterday, and she asked: When can we know we are in our zone of magic and wonder, or we’re not? (Sorry if I can’t remember your exact words Linda; I think the gist of it is there.)

As women, it is so important that we do what feels good. Our feminine energies of nurturing, unconditional love and creativity require doing this.

It’s not complicated at all.

The basic formula is simple.  If what I’m doing feels good, and if it comes from love, I am in my heart-space. When I am in that space, magic happens. I am inspired, I am having fun (yes, we really CAN have fun when working!), and things flow with ease and grace.

When I’m in my head-space, I am trying to “figure things out”. That NEVER works for me. I don’t know about you. That is too much masculine energy for me.

We each have a masculine and a feminine side. Yet if we get too much into our masculine energy, which includes mental strength, we can get too far into our head-space and be taken right out of our heart-space, which can take us away from our feminine energy. 

Is “working hard” the best way?

When we strive to “work hard” and close off our hearts, we tend to work from a place of lack, limitation and fear. And if we want to attract more positive things into our lives like success, joy, freedom, fun, etc.….Needless to say, that isn’t the way to do it.

When work doesn’t feel good, it’s tough to get the results we want. I have literally gotten headaches from staying stuck in my head and closing off my heart.

A new way to work

It has taken YEARS (decades, really) to shift gears from the old programming of “working hard”—as if there is some medal or reward to be earned from that—to a new mode of work. A place where I am getting stuff done, yet it is fun and joyful. As a heart-centered entrepreneur, I am grateful to know that and claim it. Do You Work From Your Head or Your Heart? Click To Tweet

Events unfold with so much love and light. Opportunities come along to grow business-wise and personally. I have met the most amazing, loving, kind people in this way, and my business literally flows with ease and grace.

There is always a choice.  Which path do you choose?

Genevieve Kohn is an Abundant Entrepreneur Guide for health and spiritual coaches and a best-selling author. She has been in the health and wellness fields for 27 years and also uses her energy-healing training, business coaching and digital marketing training to help business owners get clear on what they can do to grow with authenticity and focus.

As the co-host of the popular podcast Reclaim Your Health, she has created a powerful online community of supportive women who are consciously living the life of their dreams with her friend Dr. Rachel Haviland. To learn more about Reclaim Your Health, visit

Dearest Reader,
Feminine Wisdom Keepers is a FREE, Private Group on Facebook it is an amazing place loaded with incredible women we would love for you to join us!
Being or Becoming a Feminine Wisdom Keeper is to embrace your divine connection, nurture your inner goddess & live from your feminine wisdom.  So whether you already consider yourself to be a feminine wisdom keeper or aspire to become one, I invite you to join the sacred conversations here and together, nurture & grow this beautiful community.
Crystal Cockerham


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3 Responses

  1. Heather

    From the Heart is always best. It tells you the truth. Sometimes in this world we get caught up in our head without even wanting to. Not too long ago it happened to me and Mother Mary came to me and whispered in my ear to listen to her heart meditation. It was very helpful to not only listen to it but to hear that from her. People care, and it comes from the heart.

    • Genevieve Kohn

      Absolutely Heather, the heart does tell the truth! I love that this came to you in meditation–a great way to listen to our hearts! Thank you for your comment.

  2. CK Kochis

    Shifting from “I have to think things through” to “this feels good, I’m going to do it” has truly made life abundantly more enjoyable. This is a wonderful reminder to follow your heart, and do what feels good…and playful.