Tug of War

How to make the decision that is right for you.

When you are not aligned with your personal truth, it is very difficult to make a decision.  Any decision from what to wear to which career path do I choose is included here.  If you aren’t aligned with your personal truth, you aren’t in touch with your intuition which means you aren’t connected to your inner light.  It can feel very frustrating to say the least.  You reach out to someone for help and are left feeling even more at war with yourself.

So what do you do when you find yourself in a tug of war with yourself?

Check in with your body-what is IT telling you?  It comes as no surprise that if you are not listening to your intuition, then you are very likely not in tune with your body as well.  So here are some simple steps to walk yourself through when you feel like you are in a tug of war with yourself.

  1. Be sure you are in safe surroundings to stop, and BREATHE.  It is best to close your eyes if you can.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Do this several times, slowing andelongating the breathes each time and allowing the breath to fill your entire abdomen and pelvic area.
  2. Once you feel you have calmed your mind and body, continue breathing and focus on one part of your decision at a time.  As you are focused on each part of your decision, notice how that choice feels in your body.  Notice where in your body you feel the resistance and what that resistance feels like.  Does your body tense up?  Does your body feel lighter?  Does your tummy get queezy, or knot up?  Do your shoulders cringe up to where you feel they look more like earrings than a body part?, etc.,
  3. Repeat for each part of the decision you have to make.

Your body will guide you true.  Energetically it knows and will help lead you down the right path.

Tug of WarTake note of the photo on the right.  These two puppies are playing with a tug of war rope.  As you can see in the photo, they look to be from the same litter so there really is no age difference.  Yet, one puppy looks to be tugging with far less resistance than the other.

Now, I am no puppy expert, but I am going to go out on a limb here and say that being these two puppies appear to be from the same litter that their strength at this point is pretty evenly matched.  So, why does one seem to be working so much harder than the other?

If you look at the puppy on the left as tugging on the rope from what is known and being in his head and the puppy on the right as connected with her intuition and in touch with her body, then you can easily deduce that intuitively her body, (the puppy on the right), knows that it doesn’t have to work nearly as hard to tug on the rope if it is laying on the ground.  She is using her body as her compass.  She is much harder to drag along with the rope if she is laying down vs. standing as the puppy on the left.

So I ask you, next time you are faced with making a decision you can’t seem to make, where is your body’s path of least resistance?


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12 Responses

  1. Reba Linker

    So true, Crystal! In the process of my recent move I put in an application for an apartment that wasn’t right for me. My body was screaming warnings – heart beating fast, stomach butterflies, ungroundedness. The challenge was in distinguishing whether they were butterflies of excitement vs. warning -i.e., “feel the fear and do it anyway” vs. “feel the fear and go the other way.” When I finally got the message and withdrew my application – what a relief, physical, mental, emotional! And, yes, soon after, the right apartment showed up.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      That is such a great example Reba. Thank you for sharing it!!

  2. Andrea

    Thanks. I also enjoy the feeling of lightness that flows through my body when I’ve made the decision that’s best for me and those I love.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Isn’t it great? For me it is often like, Oh I can breathe again-but I didn’t know I wasn’t breathing…

  3. Debra Oakland

    In a tug of war, I find it best to respond vs react. As you say, breathe and calm yourself – great advice. The path of least resistance is the best way forward!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes, taking that time to check in so that you can respond rather than react makes such a difference Debra. Thank you for commenting!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      No, they don’t Barb. Even if you try to will it differently, they will stay true!