It’s Tune-Time! If You Could Go Back In Time…

posted in: Musings, Wisdom Awakens | 12

If you could go back in time, what would you say to a younger you?

We all have those moments that we can recall from our youth.  That moment when you thought your parents said something or gave you advice because it is what every parent said.  “If Tommy jumped off a bridge, does that mean you have to too?”

You spent however long brooding, pouting, acting out because the advice wasn’t what you wanted to hear, or it was a rule you didn’t agree with and wanted to break,  Heck, maybe, you did break it!

How long did it take for you to regret breaking that rule?  Did someone get hurt as a result of breaking this rule?  Did you get caught and accept the consequences?

How long did it take you to admit to yourself that they were right?

No matter if you snuck out after curfew, had a party while your parents were gone, or took your brother’s car without permission, etc., we all have at least ONE incident from our past that we would like to go back and change.

Until a real time machine is invented we can’t.  But what if you could go back in time?  What if the you right now, today could go back before the point of no return and change the younger you’s mind?  What would you say?  What does the younger you need to hear?  Well, in her music video for Road Less Traveled, Lauren Alaina does just this.

If you are or have been one of my clients, this will come as no surprise to you.  I have homework for you. I don’t know the song’s co-writers, Jesse & Meghan Frasure and co-writer and performer Lauren Alaina’s history, but this is a great power song about choosing to be true to yourself over what others choose to be true for you.  The lyrics scream with individuality, compassion and being authentic.  I mean who wouldn’t be empowered to conquer their fear and show up for themselves by, “Trust your rebel heart and ride it into battle, don’t be afraid, take the road less traveled…”.

And if that weren’t enough, the video brings to light an unfortunate reality birthed and nurtured by the fashion industry and adopted by society as THE way to be.  It is so sad to think of all the lives not lived, dreams not attained, the pain felt, the bullying and turmoil that has come from it.  So with no further adieu, I leave you with the link to the video.  Enjoy!!


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12 Responses

  1. Barb Parcells

    I would tell my younger self that not only should you think outside the box, you should burn the darn box as well! Live from your heart, not from what others tell you to be.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes, burn that darn box!!! No other shape fits into it, and they shouldn’t Boxes are for storing, shipping and moving, that is it. And, despite what Huey Lewis says, it isn’t ‘hip to be square’! (Now saying that, I must say I like that song…)

  2. leila

    Beautiful post Crystal!
    Thank you for the video, this resonates so much with me and my past youthful exuberance but am glad today I know better and have an opportunity to redeem the time.

  3. Kathleen

    I would tell her to go for it! Believe that you will succeed and that her dreams are totally possible! Thank you for this fantastic post and LOVE the song!

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Love it Kathleen! This song caught me-as often happens. It isn’t about the genre, or the melody or the harmony, for me if the lyrics speak to me–I love it.

  4. Beverley Golden

    This is something I have often rejected on and see how my self-perfectionism stopped me from doing so many things and also led to physical health issues. I would definitely tell my younger self to lighten up, that life isn’t that serious and everything doesn’t need to be perfect, to be more daring and trust that each thing I do, is the ‘right’ thing in that moment! I’ve been asking up for lost time in the last decade though. 🙂

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Oh Beverley, John Lennon-IMAGINE-is popping up in my head right now! Can you IMAGINE a world where as children we are all taught to trust and follow our intuition? -MAJOR GAME CHANGER!!!! (A beautiful one too!)
      I too am a recovered perfectionist, and absolutely relate to your comment. There is beauty & perfectness in the imperfect because nothing and no one is perfect!

  5. Meghan Humlie

    I would like to tell my 11 year old self that I will get through an extremely difficult period in my life. I would also affirm that I had “right” to have feelings of fear, loss, grief and anger at that time and now.

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Oh my goodness Meghan, it is soo important to acknowledge, accept, feel & explore our feelings! Another thing I am seeing growth as a society on. All of us Light Warriors have helped pioneer the energy highway for this to take root to spread and grow!

  6. Jill Celeste

    If I had to tell my younger self anything, it would be get rid of the mean ex-boyfriend and love yourself more! But all good lessons. =)

    • Crystal Cockerham

      Yes. Love yourself. More.
      Our generation wasn’t taught to love ourself. To have confidence, to respect others, but the wording of loving yourself didn’t exist…Look how far we have come!