‘Tis the season to AWAKEN, BE-YOU-tify

& CONNECT within through nature.  

It is mid-spring, May Day, Beltane, a celebration of Mother Nature’s re-emergence from her winter slumber.  The land is prepared or being prepared for planting and the animals are mating.  There are some flowers which have shown their beautiful blooms and more readying themselves. 

Making the land ready for crops and animals mating symbolizes fertility.  For us humans, Spring has just begun warming up.  We’ve had a taste of it’s warmth in those flutters of sun-shiny days when the temperature is stretching itself awake.  This represents for us, a rebirth of ourselves and our spiritual fertility.  

As we emerge from our inward spiral, (symbolized by winter), Mother Nature reflects to us the potential in cultivating our own inner beauty and celebrating our own inner light.  Our light is our truth and the truest essence of who we are.  The flowers, herbs, veggies, trees, etc., all show us the potential within each of us when we nurture our dreams, and continue on our journey in this lifetime.  

Some of our dreams take longer to nurture because there are skills that we need to acquire and master, these would be symbolic of the trees.  Some of those aspects of ourselves require our mindfullness to nurture, support and repair in order to bring ourselves back into balance, those would be the veggies, herbs & flowers.  

All of these things have BEAUTY in common. Yes, beauty is very pleasant to behold, but I invite you to think of BEAUTY as a FEELING that is reflected to you.  This reflection incites a FEELING of Beauty.  And this feeling allows for you to CONNECT.

Connecting with nature helps you to CONNECT within. Click To Tweet

Given that it is mid-spring, May Day, Beltane, a celebratioon of Gaia, there are several things you can do to AWAKEN (Rebirth & Renew yourself), BE-YOU-TIFY & CONNECT:

Get outdoors and BE.  You can do this so many different ways; walk, garden, beautify your outside space, do some yard work, have a picnic, sit in the sun and enjoy some great conversation, play a game, read, journal, meditate, etc.,

In the local area where I live, there is a flower fair, normally.  And last year, the collective where I share space with some pretty amazing women, we had a table/booth and gathered on the eve before the event and made flower crowns.  This was my first ever attempt and I had so much fun!  And guess what?  Making flower garlands is a traditional May Day activity.  

Why not gather up what iis available to you and host a VIRTUAL FLOWER AFFAIR with some of your besties?  You can make a flower garland for your hair, you can make a dreamcatcher or wreath for your home and so much more!  Invite your guests to craft a drink recipe, spirited or not, edible snack or dessert with flowers and herbs and share the recipe?

Are you drawn to certain flowers or herbs?  Look them up, find out if they are edible, if they can be used in a beauty regime of some kind. 

Last year, we lost power after a big downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.  I had a lot of freshly washed by mother nature violets in my yard and knew they were edible.  I looked up some ways in which I could harvest & use them.  Given that I have a gas stove, I chose to make a violet syrup that could be used in several different ways.  It wasn’t difficult or time consuming and I enjoyed passing the time doing it.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, truly the sky’s the limit!  Put your creative thinking cap on BE-YOU-TIFY!  I do have a Pintrest account with a few boards full of ideas that will help inspire you.  🥰

Spring is the time of the Maiden, what can & will you do to AWAKEN, BE-YOU-tify & CONNECT with her?


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