Honoring Your Inner Light: A Summer Solstice Ritual

Honoring Your Inner Light: A Summer Solstice Ritual

As you walk further along your awakened path, more and more will open up for you to explore; energy systems, spiritual concepts, sacred laws, ancient traditions and cosmic energies including our lovely Luna, the Moon to name a few.

And there’s so much Luna can help you with once you align with her rhythms. Here are some of the more popular ones; manifesting, self-nurturing, planting and harvesting & rituals to support your sacred light within.

Rituals in the way I speak of them are not related to religion, but your own personal spirituality and spiritual practice.  I wanted to bring this to your attention because there is a misconception around the solstices and equinoxes.  This misconception is that they are somehow related to ‘witches’ and ‘paganism’ and treated as a religious holiday.  They are not.

As far back as archeoligists & anthropologists can go back, they have discovered that the equinoxes and solstices have been used as a way of measuring the passage of time and seasons across the globe throughout time. 

Ancient peoples used the moon phases to mark the passage of time like the seasons and were celebrated with gatherings which entailed feasts, fires, kinships & peace-making.

So today, I am offering you a ritual for the Summer Solstice, the longest day of sunlight in the year.  Agriculturally, it is time to nurture what you have planted so at harvest time, you will reap the benefits of what you have sown.

In short, The Summer Solstice is a time to celebrate the light of the sun and how it nourishes every aspect of life and our well being.

We use a lot of metaphors in this line of work and planting your seeds of intention is one that my tribe hears me use frequently.  This Summer Solstice Ceremony affords us the opportunity to look at what we have planted in our garden-what we have nurtured and what we haven’t and decide if those intentions still belong in our garden.

You can use the following questions, or similar ones in your own wording as a mirror for our own inner light and what you are manifesting (or not) in your life to reconnect and honor your inner light and the seeds of intention you have planted. 

Did you set intentions for yourself at the Winter Solstice, Yule or New Years?  It is time to reconnect and re-evaluate them! 

Journals ready, Let us begin!

Part I.  Set your space

Call in your allies.  Your allies include your guardian angels, spirit guides, archangels, divine source in whatever form(s) this is for you.  Here is an example you can tweak and build upon for yourself from my chapter, The Alchemy of Feminine Wisdom, in the book, The Path of The Sacred Feminine.

Dear Mother/Father God, I call into my sacred space your divine grace and love so that I can feel it with me always.  I call too, on the Archangels, my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides to guide, support and protect me in all ways.  I ask for the properties of the elements of earth, air, fire and water accompany me and support me in this process for my highest and greatest good with grace and ease.  I thank you with all the love in my heart for being with me here and now and always. Aho/Amen/Blessed Be/So be it.

Part II.  Reflect

  • What were some of the goals & intentions you set for yourself in the past 6 months?
  • What is bearing fruit?  (What has manifested in your life so far that is aligned with your goals and intentions?)
  • What are you still striving towards?
  • What has been the overall theme of the past 6 months for you?
  • What fears have you been dancing with?  (Whenever you call for something new, you are calling for change. Change & transformation happen outside your comfort zone.  Fears show up to challenge you, you can dance with these fears to discover if there is wisdom for you to gain and harness the energy to propel you forward.)
  • How have you surprised and delighted yourself this year?
  • What have you recently learned/discovered about yourself?  (Look at the resistance, the fear, what hasn’t worked-what pearls of wisdom are waiting for you to extract?)
  • What do you want to bring into your being in your:
    • Heart (relationships, family, friends)?
    • Head (Work, goals, projects)?
    • Spirit and Soul (Practices, Goddess Connection(s), Growth)?
    • Body (Health, home, self-care, personal time)?
  • What do you want less of?
  • What do you want more of?
  • What are your priorities for the rest of the year?
  • How do you want to feel about yourself and your life in 6 months?
  • Of the intentions and goals you set for yourself, are there any that need renegotiation?  (Are there any that are no longer true for you or need tweaking?)
  • Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Part III.  Release

Now, take a moment and review what you just recorded.  What is jumping out at you for you to let go?  What pattern, belief, habit(s) are you ready to shed and release to the universe?  Write this down on a separate piece of paper or even flash paper and safely, with reverence and strong intention, burn it.

Part IV.  Reconnect

Now, for all that apply, fill in the blank:  

I will ____________________________________________________ to reach my goals this year.

Now you can use these as your daily/weekly mantras to honor and free your light within.  Write them down everywhere!  Use post-it/sticky notes, shorten them and make them your password, create a vision board for your altar, take a picture and make it your screen saver on your laptop/tablet/phone so that they are everwhere and you are constantly reminded of them so that you can take consistent, consciously inspired action towards bringing them into your reality thereby making your harvest this year even more bountiful!

Part V.  Gratitude

Bring your time to a close by opening your space and releasing the allies you called in with gratitude.  Also, be sure that you thank yourself for the time you have dedicated to yourself and show it by continuing with the momentum you have built here today.

As you leave your sacred space, be sure that you schedule regular ‘You Time” to re-visit, re-evaluate your intentions and nurture your Inner Light.

*One of the things I help my clients with is creating sacred space and developing a spiritual practice to connect within and live a joy-filled life that is in alignment with their Inner Light. If you would like guidance and support with this in your life, I invite you to book a Discovery Session with me to find out more.

I’d love to know your comments or questions, please feel free to do so below!


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